So, how can this generation help? We are living in troubled times, and facing more challenges. One way, the main way, is to increase Torah learning. Often there are fundraisers for yeshivot and kollelim which fall short of their goals.
A different approach would be for the approximately 16 million Jews in the world to contribute to a worldwide effort to make small donations. This would avoid the extra expenses required for compensating shelachim from traveling as well as online organizations taking a percentage of donations.
Uniting all minds with wisdom to support Torah in this world

That’s why I am asking you to become leaders of thousands, leaders of hundreds, leaders of fifties, leaders of ten, or donors to support the learning centers in Jerusalem, Israel, and your own communities. Even one dollar, four shekels, per week, month, or year would increase the amount of learning being supported.

All donations would be mostly anonymous. No plaques, prizes, or tax deductions. The reward is a portion in Olam Haba. 100% of donations supports learning. There is a method that would enable donors to track that their donations were actually received by a yeshiva or kollel. Each donation would be visible only to the leaders of ten, fifty, hundred, and thousand.